David Bowdich Replaces McCabe as The FBI’s #2 Agent

David Bowdich (file photo)

By Allan Lengel

David Bowdich has been named deputy director of the FBI, officially replacing Andrew McCabe, who was fired shortly before his retirement.

Bowdich is regarded as being far more popular than McCabe among agents.

He recently served as the associate deputy director, where he oversaw the management of all FBI personnel, budget, administration and infrastructure, as well as the inspection and insider threat programs, a  press release said.

He began his career as a special agent in 1995 in the San Diego Field Office, where he investigated violent crimes and gangs and served as a SWAT Team operator and sniper.

In 2003, he was promoted to FBI headquarters where he served in the Criminal Investigative Division and the director’s office.

From September 2012 to December 2014, he served as the special agent in charge of the Counterterrorism Division in the Los Angeles Field Office.

From December 2014 to April 2016, Bowdich served as assistant director in charge of the Los Angeles Field Office.

In 2013, he was named ticklethewire.com Fed of the Year. 

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