White House & Secret Service Puzzled How National Security Contractor Was Able to Work in Presidential Compound After Shooting

By Allan Lengel

The White House and Secret Service are scratching their head over this one.

They wonder how a National Security Council contractor was able to keep working in the highly secure presidential compound for more than a month after he allegedly shot a man at his Maryland home, reports Dion Nissenbaum and Del Quentin Wilber of the Wall Street Journal. 

Martese Edwards, 30,  was arrested by uniformed Secret Service agents outside the White House on Tuesday when he showed up for work, the Journal reports. He was arraigned in Washington on Wednesday, and was expected to be quickly extradited to neighboring Maryland to face attempted first-degree murder charges.

Edwards is charged with shooting his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend on May 3 when the two of them showed up at Edwards’s residence to get her belongings from his home in Suitland, Md., the Journal reports.

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