McCabe Files Lawsuit, Claiming Feds Refuse to Turn Over Documents Related to His Firing

Ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

By Allan Lengel

Fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is digging in for a legal battle.

He’s suing the FBI, the Justice Department and its inspector general for refusing to turn over documents related to her firing, NPR reports. You might recall that McCabe was fired  hours before his planned retirement in March for “lack of candor” regarding information provided to the media.

Consequently, McCabe and his family were stripped of their health care benefits. It also delayed his ability to collect a federal pension.

McCabe’s lawyer, David Snyder, filed the suit, claiming:

“Those requests have been denied by some of the same high-ranking officials who were involved in, or responsible for, the investigation, adjudication, and/or dismissal of Mr. McCabe,” the legal complaint said.

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