It’s the Big Day in Washington: Cohen to Testify that Trump Is a Racist and Conman

By Allan Lengel

Michael Cohen, former attorney for President Trump.

There should be more excitement Wednesday on Capitol Hill than at this last Super Bowl.

President Donald Trump’s ex-lawyer Michael Cohen takes to the world stage as he appears before Congress to tell his story about his boss.

USA Today writes:

Michael Cohen is set to deliver a blistering account of his dealings as President Donald Trump’s longtime attorney Wednesday, casting his former boss as a “a conman” and “racist’ while tying the White House more directly than ever to multiple investigations that have shadowed Trump’s presidency.

In a prepared statement to Congress, Cohen asserted that Trump knew in advance that WikiLeaks planned to release stolen emails damaging to political rival Hillary Clinton; that he personally reimbursed Cohen for an illegal hush-money payment to a porn star; and that the  president indirectly encouraged him to lie to Congress about his pursuit of a potentially lucrative Trump Tower development in Moscow, even as Trump repeatedly denied any business interests in Russia throughout the 2016 campaign.

Cohen also suggested that Trump knew in advance of a June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower, headed by Donald Trump Jr., in which a Russian lawyer promised to provide damaging information on Clinton.


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