George Papadopoulos Claims He Was Duped By FBI Into Admitting He Lied

By Allan Lengel

Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos is attempting to clear his name in his new book, according to the Wall Street Journal.

In “Deep State Target,” Papadopoulos writes in his interactions with special counsel Robert Mueller’s team of investigators  that he was duped by FBI agents into admitting guilt for lying to the FBI, a charge that he served 14 days in prison for, Talking Points Memo reports, citing the Journal story. 

“I realize I misspoke to the FBI,” he reportedly wrote. “The ‘lie’ I was charged with … certainly wasn’t intentional. …  I had to use those words and own them because those were the charges the prosecutors insisted on hitting me with. I am truly sorry I didn’t get the dates right when I talked to the FBI agents. Still, I was never told what my false claims were.”

Papadopoulos  pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with a professor named Joseph Mifsud, who allegedly told him that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton.

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