Rainer S. Drolshagen Named Special Agent in Charge of Minneapolis Field Office

Rainer Drolshagen, special agent in charge of the Minneapolis Field Office.

By Steve Neavling


Rainer S. Drolshagen has been named special agent in charge of the Minneapolis Field Office.

Drolshagen, who recently served as a deputy assistant director in the Directorate of Intelligence at FBI headquarters, joined the bureau as a special agent in 1997. His first assignment was with the Johnson City Resident Agency under the Knoxville Field Office in Tennessee, where he investigated criminal and national security cases.

In the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Drolshagen led an evidence team investigating the crash of United Airlines Flight 93 in Pennsylvania.

In 2006, Drolshagen became supervisory special agent in the Military Liaison and Detainee Unit in the Counterterrorism Division at FBI headquarters. A year later, he was named the FBI’s representative to U.S. European Command in Stuttgart, Germany.

In 2009, Drolshagen landed at the Dallas Field Office, serving as the supervisor of the Safe Streets Task Force. He later created and led the Southwest Border Task Force to combat violent crime and money-laundering.

In 2014, Drolshagen was promoted to assistant special agent in charge of the Charlotte Field Office in North Carolina, where he oversaw the office’s intelligence program, administrative matters, and SWAT team. In 2016, he became chief of staff to the associate deputy director at headquarters.

In 2017, Drolshagen became the deputy assistant director of the Operational Programs Branch of the Criminal Justice Information Services Division.

In 2018, he began serving as deputy assistant director of the Intelligence Operations Branch in the Directorate of Intelligence, overseeing program management of the FBI’s human intelligence operations, intelligence-related information technology, threat review and prioritization, and the integration of intelligence across the FBI and U.S. intelligence community.

Before joining the FBI, Drolshagen served in the U.S. Marine Corps and served in Desert Storm. Drolshagen earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Clemson University.

The Department of Defense awarded Drolshagen the Superior Civilian Service Award in 2004 and 2009.

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