The writer served 27 years in the FBI, 21 of them tactical with four SWAT teams and the HRT (Hostage Rescue Team). He retired in 2012. He also served in Marines for eight years. His commentary is in response to a report in that FBI agents in Washington recently took a knee at the urging of people protesting police brutality and the death of George Floyd.
By Dale Monroe

No FBI agent has to take a knee to defend anyone’s 1st Amendment rights.
You only take a knee if you don’t have the courage, character, and confidence that you fight evil every day, including against those who violate the Constitutional rights of others.
For 27 years, I and all those that I served with, stood for Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity, and that was more than enough for us to get any job done in any situation.
We (the FBI) are the ones who are primarily responsible for investigating civil rights violations. As such, we take a knee for, or to no one.
The anarchistic in D.C. need to be educated as to what the FBI stands for and what the Agents do each and every day. And that does not include taking a knee.