FBI Photographer Fights Crime with a Camera


By Steve Neavling

Buren Foster has seen enough for a lifetime. 

A crime scene photographer for the FBI since 2006, Foster fights crime – not with a gun, but a camera. 

“I’ve seen my share of dead bodies,” he told People. “I see things people shouldn’t see — I see them in their raw state.”

Foster has photographed murders, active shooting scenes, the aftermath of bombings, plane crashes and even funerals for fallen FBI agents. 

But it’s not all gory. He captures critical evidence for agents and prosecutors, including fingerprints, shoe impressions, and bullet trajectories. 

He also tags along during FBI surveillance. 

And there’s no room for mistakes. 

“There’s no ‘oops,'” he said. “You go through all the scenarios in your head to avoid any Murphy’s Law things from happening.”

For him, the most difficult part of the job is dead children. 

“I’ve worked my share of cases with murdered children. For most people this is probably the hardest. It is for me — and it doesn’t get any easier,” Foster said. 

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