Ex-Acting AG Testifies That Trump Pressured DOJ Officials to Overturn Election

Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, via DOJ.

By Steve Neavling

Former Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen told congressional investigators on Saturday that President Trump pressured him and other Justice Department leaders to overturn the election. 

Rosen’s testimony came during closed-door testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, The New York Times reports. He also met Friday with the Justice Department’s Inspector General.

Rosen also said Jeffrey Clark, the acting head of the Justice Department’s civil division, pressed DOJ leadership to make false claims about widespread election fraud. At the time, Trump mulled replacing Rosen with Clark. 

In an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin said Rosen’s testimony was “invaluable.”

“It was real. Very real. And it was very specific,” Durbin said of Trump pressuring Rosen. “The former president is not subtle when he wants something.”

Durbin, a Democrat from Illinois, lauded Rosen for his cooperation. 

“I have to say history is going to very kind to Mr. Rosen when this is all over. When he was initially appointed, I didn’t think that was the case. I was wrong,” Durbin said.

He added, “It’s a good thing for America we had someone like Rosen in that position.”

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