FBI Names Agent Daniel Roberts Assist. Director of Criminal Justice Information Services

fbi1By Allan Lengel
WASHINGTON — Daniel D. Roberts, a Detroit native, has been named assistant director of the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division.

Roberts, who  replaces the retiring Thomas E. Bush, III,  was most recently Deputy Assistant Director of the Criminal Investigative Division, the FBI said.

“Dan brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this position and will continue the legacy of CJIS that involves sharing data with over 18,000 law enforcement partners,” FBI Director Robert E. Mueller III said in a statement.

Roberts started his career in 1987 in Chicago, where he served as a primary SWAT team member and as a firearms instructor, the FBI said.

Eventually, in March 2000, Roberts was assigned to FBI headquarters as a unit chief of the Chief of the Violent Crimes/Fugitive Unit. He later became an assistant special ageent in charge in Salt Lake City
In June 2004, Roberts became special agent in charge of the Detroit FBI office.

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