By Steve Neavling
CBP is trying to stop the sale of an “offensive,” fake commemorative coin that depicts a controversial interaction between a Border Patrol agent on horseback and a Haitian immigrant near the border in Del Rio, Texas.
The coin was for sale on eBay for $15.19. The seller sold 41 coins, and it was sold out as of Monday morning.
A senior CBP agent official told Washington Examiner that the coin was not authorized by the agency.
“The images depicted on this coin are offensive, insensitive, and run counter to the core values of CBP. This is not an official CBP coin,” Luis Miranda, assistant commissioner for CBP’s Office of Public Affairs, said.
“The CBP Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) is investigating whether or not it is being sold by anyone at CBP, and will take appropriate action if so,” Miranda added. “The CBP Office of Chief Counsel (OCC) will also send a cease-and-desist letter to any vendor who produces unauthorized challenge coins using one of CBP’s trademarked brands.”
CBP’s Office of Personal Responsibility drafted a 500-page report detailing the investigation into horse-mounted Border Patrol agents accused of mistreating Haitian migrants last year. The report has yet to be released.
Although the agents have been cleared of criminal wrongdoing, they could still face discipline, up to termination, if they were found to have broken agency policies.