Feds Add More Charges Against Sen. Menendez. This Time Bribery Allegations Involve Qatar.

By Allan Lengel

More trouble for U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez.

Sen. Menendez at a press conference following the initial indictment.

On Tuesday, federal prosecutors filed a superseding indictment alleging that the New Jersey Democrat accepted race car tickets and other gifts from Qatar as part of a bribery extortion scheme that continued into 2023, CNN reports.

CNN reports:

“Among the new allegations, according to the indictment, is that Menendez accepted payments from one of his co-conspirators, New Jersey real estate developer Fred Daibes, in exchange for using his influence to help Daibes obtain millions of dollars from an investment fund tied to Qatar. The senator, prosecutors allege, additionally took steps to help Qatar.”

Earlier this year, Menendez and his wife Nadine Menendez were indicted in a sweeping bribery scheme for allegedly accepting gold, cash and other benefits in exchange for using his office to enrich three businessmen and help the Egyptian government. He is also charged with being an unregistered foreign agent for Egypt.

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