Hundreds of Employees Gather to Commemorate the Deaths of 54 FBI Agents Killed In the Line of Duty

By Allan Lengel
WASHINGTON — Hundreds of employees and a host of Washington luminaries including the current and former FBI directors gathered Tuesday at FBI headquarters to commemorate the deaths of 54 agents killed in the line of duty.

“We come together today because we have not forgotten the cost of freedom. We have not forgotten the sacrifices these men and women have made on our behalf, nor have we forgotten the sacrifices borne by the families and friends of those we have lost,” FBI Director Robert Mueller III said in his remarks.

The gathering, part of National Police Week, was attended by Attorney Gen. Eric Holder, Dep. Attorney Gen. David Ogden and former FBI directors William H. Webster and Louis J. Freeh.

The gathering marked the 30th year the ceremony has been held at FBI headquarters.

The FBI said the names of the following special agents were read while their photos were displayed during the service (click on each photo to read more about each agent):

Photograph of Edwin C. Shanahan

Edwin C. Shanahan
1898 – 1925

Photograph of Paul E. Reynolds

Paul E. Reynolds
1899 – 1929

Photograph of Raymond J. Caffrey

Raymond J. Caffrey
1902 – 1933

Photograph of W. Carter Baum

W. Carter Baum
1904 – 1934

Photograph of Samuel P. Cowley

Samuel P. Cowley
1899 – 1934

Photograph of Herman E. Hollis

Herman E. Hollis
1903 – 1934

Photograph of Nelson B. Klein

Nelson B. Klein
1898 – 1935

Photograph of Wimberly W. Baker

Wimberly W. Baker
1910 – 1937

Photograph of Truett E. Rowe

Truett E. Rowe
1904 – 1937

Photograph of William R. Ramsey

William R. Ramsey
1903 – 1938

Photograph of Hubert J. Treacy, Jr.

Hubert J. Treacy, Jr.
1913 – 1942

Photograph of Joseph J. Brock

Joseph J. Brock
1908 – 1952

Photograph of John Brady Murphy

John Brady Murphy
1917 – 1953

Photograph of Richard Purcell Horan

Richard Purcell Horan
1922 – 1957

Photograph of Terry R. Anderson

Terry R. Anderson
1924 – 1966

Photograph of Douglas M. Price

Douglas M. Price
1941 – 1968

Photograph of Anthony Palmisano

Anthony Palmisano
1942 – 1969

Photograph of Edwin R. Woodriffe

Edwin R. Woodriffe
1941 – 1969

Photograph of Gregory W. Spinelli

Gregory W. Spinelli
1949 – 1973

Photograph of Jack R. Coler

Jack R. Coler
1947 – 1975

Photograph of Ronald A. Williams

Ronald A. Williams
1947 – 1975

Photograph of Johnnie L. Oliver

Johnnie L. Oliver
1944 – 1979

Photograph of Charles W. Elmore

Charles W. Elmore
1945 – 1979

Photograph of Jared Robert Porter

Jared Robert Porter
1935 – 1979

Photograph of Robin L. Ahrens

Robin L. Ahrens
1952 – 1985

Photograph of Jerry L. Dove

Jerry L. Dove
1956 – 1986

Benjamin P. Grogan

Benjamin P. Grogan
1933 – 1986

Photograph of L. Douglas Abram

L. Douglas Abram
1942 – 1990

Photograph of John L. Bailey

John L. Bailey
1942 – 1990

Photograph of Martha Dixon Martinez

Martha Dixon Martinez
1959 – 1994

Photograph of Michael John Miller

Michael John Miller
1953 – 1994

Photograph of William Christian, Jr.

William Christian, Jr.
1946 – 1995

Photograph of Charles Leo Reed

Charles Leo Reed
1951 – 1996

Photograph of Leonard H. Hatton

Leonard W. Hatton
1956 – 2001

Photograph of Albert L. Ingle

Albert L. Ingle
1903 – 1931

Photograph of Percy E. Foxworth

Percy E. Foxworth
1906 – 1943

Photograph of Harold Dennis Haberfeld

Harold Dennis Haberfeld
1912 – 1943

Photograph of Richard Blackstone Brown

Richard Blackstone Brown
1916 – 1943

Photograph of Trenwith S. Basford

Trenwith S. Basford
1916 – 1977

Photograph of Mark A. Kirkland

Mark A. Kirkland
1944 – 1977

Photograph of Robert W. Conners

Robert W. Conners
1946 – 1982

Photograph of Charles L. Ellington

Charles L. Ellington
1946 – 1982

Photograph of Terry Burnett Hereford

Terry Burnett Hereford
1948 – 1982

Photograph of Michael James Lynch

Michael James Lynch
1947 – 1982

Photograph of James K. McAllister

James K. McAllister
1951 – 1986

Photograph of Scott K. Carey

Scott K. Carey
1952 – 1988

Photograph of Stanley Ronquest, Jr.

Stanley Ronquest, Jr.
1939 – 1992

Photograph of Paul A. Leveille

Paul A. LeVeille
1959 – 1999

Photograph of and link to Robert R. Hardesty

Robert R. Hardesty
1965 – 2005

Photograph of and link to Gregory J. Rahoi

Gregory J. Rahoi
1968 – 2006

Photograph of Barry Bush

Barry Bush
1955 – 2007

Photograph of Samuel Hicks

Samuel Hicks
1974 – 2008

Photograph of Sang T. Jun

Sang T. Jun
1972 – 2008

Photograph of Paul M. Sorce

Paul M. Sorce
1964 – 2009

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