B. Todd Jones Gets Second Chance to be Minnesota U.S. Atty


President Obama is bringing back Todd Jones, a former U.S. Attorney and veteran of the first Gulf War, who served under Clinton. Considering that he was confirmed once before, he’s not likely to have many problems during the confirmation process.

Minneapolis Star Tribune
MINNEAPOLIS — B. Todd Jones, who was U.S. attorney in Minnesota during the last years of the Clinton administration, was nominated Thursday to return to the job by President Obama.

Jones was recommended for the position in March by Sen. Amy Klobuchar after his name rose to the top among members of a bipartisan advisory committee she had created. Klobuchar was Hennepin County attorney for much of the time Jones last served as U.S. attorney.

“I’m honored to be nominated by the White House and look forward to serving as the U.S. attorney in the district of Minnesota,” he told the Associated Press.

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