Bloody Politics Led to Firing of Missouri U.S. Atty

The stories this week continue to trickle in about the injustice at Justice when it came to the firings of some U.S. Attorneys. In Missouri, blood flowed in the case of U.S. Attorney Todd P. Graves who was axed in 2006.

Ex-U.S. Atty Todd Graves/doj photo
Ex-U.S. Atty Todd Graves/doj photo

By R. Jeffrey Smith
Washington Post Staff Writer
In Missouri, evidently, Republican politics are exceptionally bloody, with clans fighting like rival mobs whose carnage spreads to other locales and sweeps in innocent civilians.
This is what former U.S. attorney Todd P. Graves discovered when he was ousted in January 2006 by the Justice Department. He got his first inkling of trouble in 2004 not from the department, but from an aide to Sen. Christopher S. Bond (R-Mo.), whose office was then embroiled in a bitter dispute with Graves’s brother, a U.S. congressman.
In a telephone call, the aide angrily warned Graves that if he did not intervene on Bond’s behalf — against his brother’s chief of staff — the senator “could no longer protect [his] job.” Graves refused, and a little over a year later, he was bounced from his Kansas City office after Bond’s staff made repeated complaints to the White House counsel’s office.
For Full Story

Read Full Report On U.S. Atty Firings

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