FBI Files: Watergate’s Howard Hunt Sought Pres. Pardon Based on “Executive Authorization”

Howard Hunt/msnbc photo
Howard Hunt/msnbc photo

The great thing is that decades later the released FBI files still provide information to help fill in some of the blanks in history.

By The Associated Press
Watergate break-in planner E. Howard Hunt sought a presidential pardon by saying he thought the infamous burglary had “executive authorization,” according to FBI documents released two years after his death. He died without getting a pardon.

The FBI released 167 pages of Hunt’s files following a Freedom of Information Act request by The Associated Press. Wednesday marks 37 years since police caught the burglars in the Washington break-in. The case ultimately made Hunt a household name and led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon.

Despite working as a CIA agent for more than two decades and his role in Watergate, Hunt’s file is remarkably thin. As a CIA agent Hunt was involved in a U.S.-backed coup in Guatemala in 1954 and the botched Bay of Pigs attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro. He worked in China, Mexico, Japan and Spain, among other places.

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