Transportation Security Admin. Agent Arrested at Newark Airport

Airport crowd

By Allan Lengel

Well,  it’s always a little awkward when someone from the Transportation Security Administration, which oversees our airports, gets arrested.

But that’s what happened Friday morning at Newark Liberty International Airport.

The Associated Press reports that airport authorities arrested TSA  agent  Wanda Weems of Newark after she boarded a Continental Airlines flight bound for Houston without going through the pre-flight screening.

The wire service reported that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey spokesman John Kelly indicated the woman was wanted on traffic-related warrants. (A typical airport check would not have discovered that.)

As a result of Weems’s antics, the Associated Press reports that the flight was delayed for more than an hour. Passengers were taken off the plane and screened again.

Authorities did not disclose why Weems avoided the security.

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