N.C. U.S. Atty’s Probe into Dems May Be Keeping Him on Board

After the mess with the U.S. Attorney firings under the Bush administration, the Dems are reluctant to make it look as if they’re interfering with Justice. That’s good for U.S. Attorney George Holding who’s investigating some high profile Dems. If it weren’t for that, he might have been gone already.

U.S. Atty. George Holding
U.S. Atty. George Holding

By The Associated Press
BEAUFORT, N.C. – Having swapped his hip-holstered Blackberry for fishing pliers, the U.S. attorney for eastern North Carolina watches closely from the captain’s chair aboard the 45-foot “Jolly Mon” as his crew prepares for a day on the water.

The team scans satellite images, examines water temperatures, sharpens hooks, packs reels and tests rods.

“If you get a big fish on here,” George Holding says from his perch, “you don’t want anything to go wrong.”

He might as well be talking about his day job.

A Republican appointee left in charge for an unusually long time by a Democratic White House, Holding has planned investigations into some of the state’s top political figures, including two-time presidential candidate John Edwards and former Gov. Mike Easley and his wife.

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