Ex-Syrian Soldier Busted in Weapons Deal With Colombian Terrorists With Help of DEA Informants

An interesting exchange: weapons for cocaine. Obviously, two valuable products.


New York Times
NEW YORK — A former member of the Syrian military was charged in New York on Wednesday with plotting to sell high-powered weapons to Colombian terrorists in exchange for more than a ton of cocaine.

According to federal prosecutors, the man, Jamal Yousef, had plans to supply rebels from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, with an enormous cache of weapons that included 100 M-16 assault rifles, 100 AR-15 rifles, 2,500 hand grenades, C-4 explosives and antitank munitions.

He was unaware that the men claiming to be FARC representatives were informants for the Drug Enforcement Administration, the United States attorney’s office in Manhattan said in its indictment.

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