5 Men in One of the Largest Armored Car Heists in U.S. History Get Serious Time

The upside is they got to spend some of the moneyarmored-car. The downside is they’re off to the joint. Fair trade off? Hardly.

Associated Press Writer
COLUMBIA, S.C. — Five young men who staged one of the largest armored car heists in U.S. history, then spent their loot on strippers, Mother’s Day gifts and other luxuries were denied pleas for mercy Monday and ordered to spend at least 25 years in prison.

Calling the $9.8 million robbery an unjustifiable crime, South Carolina judge Michelle Childs sentenced three of the men to at least 25 years each in prison for armed robbery, kidnapping, assault and battery, and conspiracy. A fourth man was sentenced to three years for conspiracy, and the judge refused to reduce 25-year sentences for two others convicted.

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