Gun Allegedly Used in Jimmy Hoffa Death Turned Over to FBI

hoffaThere have been so many promising leads and theories that have gone nowhere in one of the great mysteries of the 20th Century. This one looks pretty shaky.

By Paul Egan
The Detroit News
HARTLAND TOWNSHIP — A family member of a late Teamsters official has turned over to the FBI a handgun that an ex-convict claims was used to kill former union boss James R. Hoffa, an author of a book about Hoffa said Monday.

The ex-con, Ted Lee Stall, 60, also claims he witnessed the burial of Hoffa at a farm in Hartland Township in the weeks after the former Teamsters boss disappeared from outside the Machus Red Fox Restaurant in Bloomfield Township in July 1975.

But the Genesee County prosecutor describes Stall as “a serial flim-flam artist.”

And Dan Moldea of Washington, D.C., author of “The Hoffa Wars,” said: “The longer I dealt with this guy, it became clear that his credibility was completely suspect.”

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