FBI’s Stu McArthur Leaves the Mothership to Head Springfield, Ill. Office

Stu McArthur
Stu McArthur

By Allan Lengel
WASHINGTON — Stu McArthur, an Inspector in the FBI Inspection Division at headquarters, is leaving the mothership to head up the Springfield, Ill. office as special agent in charge.

He replaces Karen Spangenberg, who was recently named deputy assistant director of the Criminal Investigative Division.

McArthur started his FBI career in 1990 and was first assigned to the New York office where he worked on a drug enforcement task force with the N.Y. police department investigating Colombian drug cartels.

In 1998, he became a supervisor in the Drug Section’s Special Operations Division at headquarters.

Two years later, he returned to the Big Apple as a field supervisor in charge of a drug enforcement task force with the NYPD, the FBI said.

Following the Sept. 11 attacks, McArthur supervised squad efforts in the New York command post and responded to recovery efforts at Ground Zero and any immediate threat, the FBI said.

In 2004, he was off to Miami as an assistant special agent in charge.

From March to June 2008, he was assigned to Afghanistan as the FBI’s on-scene commander embedded with U.S. Military and Coalition Forces, the FBI said. He later became an inspector at FBI headquarters.

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