Chihuahua-Slaying Texas FBI Agent Still Faces Internal Probe 4 Months After His Sentence

FBI Agent Shot A Chihuahua Just Like This One/istock photo
FBI Agent Shot A Chihuahua Just Like This One/istock photo

By Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — Last time we checked, Texas FBI agent Lovett Leslie Ledger, who fatally shot his neighbor’s 3 pound Chihuahua named Sassy with a pellet gun, was still an FBI agent facing an internal investigation by the Office of Professional Responsibilty.

That was four months ago.

Well, on Tuesday the FBI said nothing has changed. The pellet gun-totting, Chihuahua slaying Ledger remains an FBI agent in the San Antonio Division — at least until the internal investigation is completed.

After that, who knows? Penalties for such action can range from a letter of reprimand to a firing. In the meantime, there’s a good likelihood he’s in the dog house at the FBI.

Back in early July, Waco, Tex., State District Judge Matt Johnson gave Ledger, 40, two years deferred probation and 300 hours of community service for the 2008 shooting.  He pleaded no contest to animal cruelty charges.

The Waco Tribune-Herald reported that a neighbor saw Ledger shoot the dog with a pellet rifle in February 2008.

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