Suspected Spy For Israel Was Political and Had Plenty Expenses

And now comes the head scratching and analysis of a brilliant scientist. Why did he risk his career to try and spy for Israel? It’s not all that complicated once you start dissecting his life. The following report gives us a pretty good insight into Stewart Nozette.

Stewart Nozette/nasa photo
Stewart Nozette/nasa photo

By Del Quentin Wilber and Maria Glod
Washington Post
WASHINGTON — By all accounts, Stewart D. Nozette is a brilliant and creative scientist, an astronomer who once sketched a key part of a lunar mission on the back of a cocktail napkin and daydreamed of colonizing the moon.

In a recent photograph, he appears the caricature of a NASA geek: a pudgy man wearing an ugly green shirt with a pen protruding from the pocket. Wisps of his hair scatter in all directions.

But Nozette is not your stereotypically shy, reserved genius. He is ambitious and unafraid to engage in political combat. He has been known to prod public officials and lawmakers to fund his programs or scuttle those of rivals, friends and colleagues said. He has donated more than $35,000 to politicians and causes.

And, according to recently unsealed court documents, he stole lots of government money to finance personal credit cards, mortgages, car loans and maintenance on his swimming pool.

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