Juror Complains About Fellow Juror in John Gotti Jr. Trial

John Gotti Jr./youtube
John Gotti Jr./youtube

By Allan Lengel

The New York tabloids are having a blast with a jury dispute in the federal trial of mobster John Gotti Jr.

One juror  wrote a note to the judge voicing concern about a fellow loud mouth juror.

“There’s more infighting on the Gotti jury than at a gangland sitdown – and they’re not even deliberating yet!,”  the New York Daily News reported last week.

A note signed by “A Concerned Juror” said:
“She announced that we the jurors better be prepared to be deliberating until after the Christmas holiday because … she is not going to allow any f—— body to rush her,” the two-page letter said.

The note also complained that the juror, a 34-year-old postal worker — was ogling “defense attorney Mr. Charles Carneglia,” the Daily News reported.

The juror complained that the loud juror also “charged a takeout order of fried calamari to the court’s tab when the panel visited a local restaurant,” the newspaper reported.

The judge has not removed the juror, but did interview all the jurors to determine if the loud-mouthed juror had discussed the case, read  about it or got information from outside the courtroom, the Daily News reported. Gotti faces a variety of charges including racketeering and murder.

It is his fourth trial in five years. The other three ended in a mistrial.


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