Convicted Ex-Rep. Jefferson Wants to Keep Worldly Posssesions Including Wedding Rings and Gun

William J. Jefferson
William J. Jefferson

By Allan Lengel

Convicted ex-Congressman William Jefferson may be facing some serious prison time, but that hasn’t stopped him from trying to keep some of his worldly possessions including his and his wife’s wedding rings and a gun, according to the New Orleans Times-Picayune.

The paper reports that Jefferson is scheduled on Dec. 9 to appear in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New Orleans to argue to keep some possessions.

Will Jefferson, 62, be in prison by Dec. 9? Who knows. But it’s not likely. He’s scheduled to be sentenced in Alexandria, Va. on Nov. 13 after being convicted on 11 of 16 corruption charges, and it’s likely that the judge will give him a little bit of time to report to prison.

Jefferson is likely to get at least 10 to 12 years in prison, though it could be a lot more. The guidelines call for a sentence that exceeds 20 years. To read more about his bankruptcy click here.

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