Cyber Expert Warns of Criminals Snatching Info From Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin

facebook1By Allan Lengel

A cyber-security expert who has worked with such agencies as the FBI and Scotland Yard is warning that hackers and cyber criminals are targeting social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin, the The Observer in London reports.

“It’s happening all over the world,” said the expert Mikko Hypponen, who refuses to use Facebook, the Observer reported.

“These guys steal an individual’s profile, then email everyone in their contacts with a link and a subject heading like ‘check this out’. You trust the email because it’s from your friend,” Hypponen told the Observer.

“So you click on the link and before you know it all your security information has been stolen. I don’t use Facebook because I know who’s watching and I don’t want these guys looking at pictures of me and my family. People think no one phishing will be able to make money from Facebook, but cyber-criminals can. This is only the beginning. You will see this happening more and more.”

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