Editorial: New Orleans Times-Picayune Urges White House to Stop Dragging Feet and Nominate Current U.S. Atty. Jim Letten

U.S. Atty Jim Letten/gov photo
U.S. Atty Jim Letten/gov photo
New Orleans Times-Picayune
Editorial Page

NEW ORLEANS — Few public officials in metro New Orleans enjoy the popularity and respect of U.S. Attorney Jim Letten.

Under his watch, the U.S. attorney’s office has maintained an aggressive and important campaign against public corruption across our region and assisted local governments in fighting violent crime, earning Mr. Letten bipartisan praise.

A University of New Orleans poll last spring pegged Mr. Letten’s approval ratings at 60 percent in mostly Democratic New Orleans and 66 percent in Republican-leaning Jefferson Parish.

Not surprisingly, Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu last year recommended that President Obama reappoint Mr. Letten, a Republican and career prosecutor who was first nominated by President George W. Bush. But eight months have passed, and the Obama White House has yet to send Mr. Letten’s nomination to the U.S. Senate.

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