Looks Like Bush-Appointed U.S. Atty. Jim Letten in New Orleans Will Get the Nod

U.S. Atty Jim Letten/gov photo
U.S. Atty Jim Letten/gov photo
By Allan Lengel

It looks like New Orleans U.S. Attorney Jim Letten, a Bush appointee, will be sticking around.

Reporter Bruce Alpert of the New Orleans Times-Picayune reports that Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) said after meeting Thursday with Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. that he expects the Justice Department will soon “make clear that Jim Letten” will keep the job.

The paper reported that Vitter said the anticipated clarification about Letten’s job means “he will drop his holds on several of President Barack Obama’s Louisiana criminal justice nominees.”

Letten has the support of the state’s Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu.

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