Cong. Conyers Asks Justice to Probe Fatal FBI Shooting of Imam in Michigan

Rep. John Conyers
Rep. John Conyers
By Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — The FBI fatal shooting in October of a Muslim imam in suburban Detroit is continuing to generate plenty controversy.

Rep. John Conyers (D-Mi), chairman of the House Judiciary, is calling for an independent investigation into the shooting of imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah, the Detroit News reported.

An autopsy report released Monday showed the imam had died from 21 gun shot wounds after agents opened fire during a raid at a warehouse in Dearborn, Mi. The FBI has said agents opened fire after the imam shot an FBI dog.

In a Jan. 13 letter to Atty Gen. Eric Holder, Conyers asked that the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division investigate the case, the News reported.

“The need to provide a thorough, rigorous and transparent accounting of the shooting here is plain,” Conyers wrote, according to the News.

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