Christmas Incident May Have Had Brief Impact on Airport Gun Seizures

tsa photo
tsa photo
By Allan Lengel
For Aol News

WASHINGTON — It looked as if the Christmas Day bombing attempt in Detroit just may have — at least for a fleeting moment — raised the consciousness of air travelers in the U.S. about bringing guns to the airport.

After finding 37 firearms at airport checkpoints the week of Dec. 21-27, the Transportation Security Administration discovered only 12 the week after. Things were looking hopeful.

Then it jumped back to 20 the week of Jan. 4-10. Not so hopeful.

And then came Jan. 11-17. The TSA said it found only eight guns, the lowest number since it began posting the figures on its Web site May.

But sure enough, the next week TSA reported finding 21 guns. And last week, from Jan. 25-31, it found 17.

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