Contractor Tells FBI He Gave Ex-Detroit Mayor Kilpatrick $100,000 Bribe

Ex-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick/official photo
Ex-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick/official photo
By Allan Lengel

DETROIT –Could it be ex-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick of sex-text message fame, who has already served time for obstruction of justice in state court, could face far more serious charges in federal court?

The Detroit Free Press reports that “a contractor who pleaded guilty in an ongoing corruption probe in Detroit has told investigators that he handed as much as $100,000 in bribes to then-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick in 2002, according to interviews and sworn documents reviewed by the Free Press.”

The paper reported that the contractor, Karl Kado of West Bloomfield, Mi., also told the FBI “he paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to the mayor’s father, and thousands more to a close mayoral aide, according to the records and interviews.”

The FBI has been probing the mayor and his father and others for quite some time. Stay tuned.

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