Two men who were already behind bars, were indicted Thursday in New York for being part of an al Qaeda plot to blow up the N.Y. subway, the Justice Department announced.
Adis Medunjanin and Zarein Ahmedzay, were accused of working with Najibullah Zazi to blow up the subway during rush hour, the Justice Department said.
“The facts alleged in this indictment shed further light on the scope of this attempted attack and underscore the importance of using every tool we have available to both disrupt plots against our nation and hold suspected terrorists accountable for their actions,” said Attorney General Eric Holder in a statement. “This attack would have been deadly, and the many agents, prosecutors and intelligence professionals who worked together seamlessly to thwart it deserve our thanks.”
Ahmedzay, 25, a resident of Queens, N.Y., was originally indicted on Jan. 8, on charges of making material false statements to the FBI about his travels to Pakistan and Afghanistan and about his conversations with a fellow traveler, the Justice Department said.
Medunjanin, 25, also a resident of Queens, was also indicted in January on charges of conspiracy to commit murder in a foreign country and receiving military-type training from a al Qaeda, the Justice Department said.