Column: ATF Needs a Little Love in Times Square

times square artBy Jeff Stein

WASHINGTON — Poor ATF: It don’t get no respect.

NYPD’s Ray Kelly, Attorney General Holder and DHS honcho Janet Napolitano all heaped praise on themselves and each other for their fabulous work in the Times Square bomb case.

But the ATF? Nada. Out of sight, out of mind, evidently, overlooked like the acned geek at the high school prom.

This, even though ATF agents contributed some very nice work in helping to apprehend the accused would-be truck-bomber, Faisal Shahzad, particularly with their quick trace of a gun found in the suspect’s car. The ATF also had agents working with the NYPD’s bomb unit and the Joint Terrorism Task Force.

“We didn’t want to push the issue,” Joseph Green, New York spokesman for the ATF, told SpyTalk Friday night.

Okay, I will.

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