FBI Files Show CBS’s Walter Cronkite Collaborated With Anti-War Protesters

Walter Cronkite/asu photo
Walter Cronkite/asu photo
By Allan Lengel

No surprise that the FBI kept files on Walter Cronkite, one of America’s most influential newsmen.

Yahoo! News reported that it obtained FBI files through the Freedom of Information Act that show “Cronkite allegedly collaborated with anti-Vietnam War activists in the 1960s, going so far as to offer advice on how to raise the public profile of protests and even pledging CBS News resources to help pull off events.”

The documents said Cronkite encouraged Florida college students to invite Sen. Edmund Muskie to speak at a protest in 1969. The document said that Cronkite told the students that Muskie would be nearby for a fundraiser and that CBS would fly Muskie by helicopter to and from the rally, Yahoo! reported.

Cronkite died last year at age 92.

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