Philly Immigration Judge Boots Nazi Death Camp Guard From U.S.

swatsikaBy Allan Lengel

A Philly immigration judge has ordered the deportation of an 85-year-old man who served as an SS guard at three Nazi concentration camps during World War II, the Justice Department announced.

U.S. Immigration Judge Charles Honeyman ordered that Anton Geiser, of Sharon, Pa., be sent to Austria, where he immigrated from after the war. The written court ruling noted that Geiser, through his attorney,  “generally admitted all of the factual allegations” in the government’s case, the Justice Department said.

In 2006, a U.S. District Court judge revoked  Geiser’s  U.S. citizenship after he admitted under oath that he served as an armed guard at the Sachsenhausen and  Buchenwald Concentration Camps and the Arolsen subcamp. The Court of Appeals upheld the ruling and the Supreme Court declined to hear the case. He then appeals to the Immigration Court.

“As a Nazi concentration camp guard during World War II, Anton Geiser must be held to account for his role in the persecution of countless men, women and children,” Assistant Attorney General Breuer said in a statement. “The long passage of time will not diminish our resolve to deny refuge to such individuals.”

Geiser immigrated to the U.S. from Austria in October 1956 and became a naturalized U.S. citizen in March 1962.

“Without Anton Geiser and other members of the SS Death’s Head guard battalions, the Nazi concentration camp system could not have accomplished its diabolical objectives,” Eli M. Rosenbaum, Director of Human Rights Enforcement Strategy and Policy in the Human Rights and Special Prosecution Section said in a statement.

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