Mexicans Thwart Plan By Hezbollah in Latin America

hezbollah_flagBy Allan Lengel

JERUSALEM — Call it a case of very different worlds colliding.

The  top newspaper Haaretz here in Israel reports that Mexican authorities thwarted a plan by the Lebanese group Hezbollah to set up a network in Latin America and use Mexican Nationals with ties to Lebanon to go after Israel and western targets. Haaretz attributed the story to the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Sevassah.

The report said Mexican police had under surveillance a Hezbollah group leader Jameel Nasr, who had traveled through Latin America and lived in Tijuana, Mexico. He was arrested by authorities.

Haaretz reported that U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick in June wrote the Department  Homeland Security to warn that Hezbollah was working with the Mexican drug cartels.

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