Ronald T. Hosko Named Head of Criminal Division at FBI Wash. Field Office

fbi logo largeBy Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — Ronald T. Hosko, who served as acting special agent in charge of the St. Louis division, has been named special agent in charge of the Criminal Division for the FBI’s Washington Field Office.

Hosko joined the FBI in July 1984, and was first assigned to the Jackson, Miss., division where he investigated white-collar crime, organized crime and drug case. He also served on the Jackson Division SWAT team.

In August 1988, he went off to the Chicago Division and spent several months undercover in the “Sourmash” investigation, which targeted fraudulent commodities trading at the Chicago Board of Trade, the FBI said.

In September 1995, he became the term supervisor of the Chicago Violent Crimes Task Force and one year later the stationary supervisor of the same squad.

In January 2001, he was reassigned to the Critical Incident Response Group as a supervisor in the Crisis Management Unit and was later promoted to chief.

He served as a deputy to the Joint Operations Center commander during the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and led the “FBI’s integration of the interagency Joint Operations Center during the Washington, D.C.-area sniper shootings,” the FBI said.

In July 2003, he became an assistant special agent in charge in the Philly office. In 2005, he served as the on-scene commander of FBI personnel deployed to support Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.

In 2007, he was promoted to inspector, conducting reviews of field offices and FBI programs.

Kenneth L. Moore has now replaced Hosko as acting special agent in charge of the St. Louis office.

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