Prosecutors File More Charges Against Arizona Rep. Renzi

The charges keep mounting against Rep. Rick Renzi (R-Az). His attorney is accusing the feds of “piling on unwarranted charges” to pressure the Congressman to plead guilty.

Rep. Rick Renzi/official photo
Rep. Rick Renzi/official photo
Arthur H. Rotstein
The Associated Press
TUSCON — Federal prosecutors added new charges Thursday including racketeering, making a false statement on a tax return and other counts to an indictment against Arizona Congressman Rick Renzi.
The indictment made public on Thursday also added a fourth defendant in the case against Renzi, who did not seek re-election and will leave Congress when his term expires shortly.
Renzi, a Republican who has represented the 1st Congressional District in northern and eastern Arizona for three terms, was first named in a 35-count indictment issued by a federal grand jury in February with two business associates.
The new indictment named Renzi in all but one of 44 counts.
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