Interpol Puts WikiLeaks Founder on Wanted List for Rape Charge

By Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — Julian Assange, the Australian-born founder of WikiLeaks, is in more hot water.

Interpol, an international law enforcement agency, has placed Assange on a “red notice” wanted list as a result of a Swedish arrest warrant on allegations of rape and other sexual charges relating to encounters he had with two women in August, the New York Times reported. Assange, 39,  has claimed it was all consensual.

The U.S. isn’t likely to shed a tear over the latest developments. Attorney Gen. Eric Holder Jr. said this week that a criminal probe into the leaked Wikipedia documents is under way.

Several newspaper published confidential documents leaked by Wikipedia. In all, 250,000 diplomatic cables were leaked this week, embarrassing the U.S. and other nations.

Assange’s whereabouts is unknown.

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