WASHINGTON — The White House on Wednesday delayed implementation of an ATF rule that would have required gun dealers on the Mexican border to report bulk sales of automatic weapons, the website Talking Points Memo reported.
Reporter Ryan J. Reilly reported that the White House’s Office of Management and Budget was supposed to give the ATF the green light for the policy on Wednesday, but said it needed more time to review it. Specifically, the rule, being opposed by some gun groups, would require gun dealers to report sales of two or more rifles to one person within five days.
“ATF’s information collection request is still under review,” an administration official told TPM.
Comment from Jim Burdick | [e]
Time January 5, 2011 at 12:28 pm
The delay is because the and 2nd Amendment crowd (misreading the Amendment of course) are beating down the White House door and fighting like mad to “keep” the President from “taking our guns” away.
Comment from Yardbird1948 | [e]
Time January 6, 2011 at 10:28 am
The delay may be because the President doesn’t want to be associated with a rule that can be proved useless.
The delay is because the and 2nd Amendment crowd (misreading the Amendment of course) are beating down the White House door and fighting like mad to “keep” the President from “taking our guns” away.
The delay may be because the President doesn’t want to be associated with a rule that can be proved useless.