Rep. Mike Rogers — Ex-FBI Agent — Criticizes Dir. Robert Mueller For Going to Az

Rep. Mike Rogers/gov photo
By Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mi.), a former FBI agent, criticized the decision by President Obama to dispatch FBI director Robert S. Mueller to Arizona after the mass shooting on Saturday, according to the radio station WHMI in Livingston County, Mi., outside Detroit.

“He didn’t need to be in Arizona to be updated frequently and this is a very serious matter and I just hope…We don’t to overreact to the full implementation for successful investigation,” Rogers told WHMI.

“They are fully capable of doing it without the Director himself being on the ground in Arizona,” said Rogers who was an FBI agent in Chicago from 1988-1994 where he investigated public corruption.

Rogers also told the station it makes his “blood boil” when pundits try to implicate Sarah Palin in the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Az) because of her website which included bulls eye on lawmakers who supported the Obama healthcare.

Read Column Praising Mueller’s Trip to Az

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