Federal Air Marshals Unlawfully Denied Overtime

Air Marshals might find the skies a little friendlier if they could get their overtime.

By Michael Grabel

Federal air marshals have been unlawfully denied overtime, and as a result the U.S. government could be liable for millions of dollars in back pay, according to a court opinion (PDF) unsealed this week in Washington, D.C.
The lawsuit, filed in 2006, involves 1,805 air marshals who said they haven’t been fully compensated for flight delays, time for writing reports and off-duty fitness and firearms training needed to pass quarterly tests. The judge’s opinion cited a 2004 study by the Air Marshal Service which showed that agents in the Chicago field office averaged about 10.5 hours a day.
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Read Court Opinion


Calif. Feds Ask Judge To Unseal Grand Jury Transcripts And Other Documents in Steroid Probe (AP)

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