Customs and Border Patrol Agent Indicted for Lying to FBI and Making Up Story

By Allan Lengel

Federal authorities claim U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agent Andrew Rodriguez of Minnesota tried to get a transfer to the southern border by telling a big lie to federal investigators.

On Thursday,  an indictment was unsealed charging Rodriguez, 29, of East Grand Folks, Minn., with making a false statement to the FBI, claiming two men threatened his family. He is no longer with the agency.

The indictment alleges that last Nov. 7, Rodriguez told FBI agents he was pulled over by two men on Minnesota Highway 71, who threatened to hurt his family if he didn’t do as they said.

Authorities say that Rodriguez also told the FBI agents that he had seen the men’s vehicle near his home on a few recent occasions.

He later confessed that he fabricated the story to get a transfer to the southern border.

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