More than Embarrassing: Nevada Fed Prosecutor’s Ex-Husband Steals More than $3.7 Mil

By Allan Lengel

Call it more than a little embarrassing when you’re an official in a U.S. Attorney’s Office and your ex-husband gets caught stealing more than $3.7 million.

Well, that’s just exactly what happened to Sudabeh Fahami, deputy chief in charge of the U.S. Attorney’s Office branch in Reno, Nev., according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Ex-husband Stephen Marich awaits sentencing on federal charges of embezzlement. Marich, vice president of the First National Bank of Ely in east-central Nevada, pleaded guilty Monday to embezzling more than $3.7 million from the bank from customers’ Treasury accounts, the Review-Journal reported. The thefts spanned at least nine years, but the paper reported that authorities found no reason to charge the wife.

The paper reported that the thievery helped fuel his gambling habit which included online betting with overseas Internet casinos.

“Mr. Marich had a horrible, horrible gambling problem that got out of control,” defense attorney Scott Freeman told the paper. “He has nothing to show for it.”

The paper reported that Marich skipped town for a while after bank officials confronted him about the crime in December 2009. He subsequently stepped down as an Ely City Council member. Sentencing is set for May 11.

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