D.C. Gun Law Nightmare For Homeland Security

Chief Lanier/mpd
Chief Lanier/mpd

 D.C. police chief Cathy Lanier says a new bill addressing D.C.  guns is bad news for Homeland Security and citizens. She went before Congress to plead her case.

Mary Beth Sheridan
Washington Post Staff Writer
  WASHINGTON — D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier assailed a new bill yesterday that would eliminate most of the District’s gun laws, telling a congressional panel that the measure would allow residents to carry loaded semiautomatic rifles in the streets, creating a nightmare scenario for homeland security officials.
“Imagine how difficult it will be for law enforcement to safeguard the public, not to mention the new president at the inaugural parade, if carrying semiautomatic rifles were to suddenly become legal in Washington,” she said.
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