Blago Noise Machine Revs Up: He Wants All FBI Tapes Played in Court

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By Allan Lengel

The Blago noise machine is revving up again as the ex-Illinois governor prepares for his retrial next week in federal court in downtown Chicago.

On Wednesday, Rod Blagojevich griped before a group of reporters in front of his Ravenswood Manor home in Chicago that the prosecution is refusing to play all the FBI tapes in trial, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. He thinks the tapes in their entirety will prove his innocence.

“It’s not the job of prosecutors to win at all costs,” Blagojevich said, according to the Sun-Times. “It’s not the job of prosecutors to railroad an innocent man.”

“I’m renewing my call – every taped conversation, every FBI interview, every scrap of evidence should be released to the public,” said Blagojevich. “They elected me twice as their governor. They have the right to know what the truth is.”

His first trial ended with him being convicted on only 1 of 24 counts. The jury deadlocked on the remaining charges.

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