NY FBI JTTF Opts Out of NYPD Terror Case; Says Case was Problematic

By Allan Lengel

Friction is mounting between the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force and New York police.

Radio station WNYC reports that the FBI’s JTTF chose not to get involved in a case involving two New York men allegedly involved in a plot to blow up a local synagogue because it was problematic, was being over-hyped and might not hold up in court. The station cited two unnamed federal sources.

But Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne told the station: “When somebody acquires weapons and plans to bomb the largest synagogue in Manhattan he can find, what do you call it, mischief?”

The FBI and New York Police, which has its own sophisticated counterterrorism unit, have beefed in the past.

Some FBI agents have privately questioned the tactics used by the NYPD unit and vice versa.

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