His sentence was delayed until January. But during a hearing Thursday in Miami, ex-Boston FBI agent John Connolly accused the prosecutor of hiding evidence and denied having any role in a mob murder.
By Rich Phillips CNN Senior ProducerMIAMI, Fla. — Former FBI agent John Connolly, whose fall from celebrated mob-buster to paid gangland flunky captivated a South Florida courtroom for weeks, broke his long silence Thursday at his sentencing hearing.
Connolly, 68, denied having any role in a 1982 mob hit, telling the family of slain businessman John Callahan: “It’s heart breaking to hear what happened to your father, and to your husband … My heart is broken when I hear what you say.”
Later, under a spirited cross-examination, Connolly explained that rubbing elbows with killers and gangsters and winning their confidence was part of the job. His attorney argued, “He did what the FBI wanted him to do and now all of a sudden, he’s responsible for all these heinous acts.” For Full Story Connolly Says Mobster Whitey Bulger Called Him To Talk About Surrendering (Boston Globe)