Fingerprint Links al Qaeda Bomb Maker to Underwear Bomber and Bombs in Printers

Ibrahim Hassan Al-Siri
By Allan Lengel

The hand of al Qaeda is on key evidence involving attempted terrorist attacks against the U.S.

The Associated Press reports that the fingerprints of al-Qaida’s top bomb maker Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri in Yemen has been linked to the bomb hidden in the underwear of  a Nigerian man on Christmas day on a Detroit-bound flight in 2009.

And AP reported that the underwear bomb is chemically identical to the bombs hidden inside two printers that were shipped from Yemen to the U.S.

The wire service said the original fingerprint used for the match probably came from Saudi Arabia where al-Asiri and his brother were once arrested for terrorist activity.  AP reported that they were released and eventually fled to Yemen in 2006.

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